Where Toronto

Ontario Craft Beer Road Trip

standard Ontario Craft Beer Road Trip

A distinctive feature of any craft beer is that the personal touch of its brewer tends to be quite obvious. In the past few years, more and more Ontarians have joined the club of brewers, adding their own signature to the local beer scene. In Toronto, beer drinkers have an exciting number of opportunities to taste the interesting new lagers, porters and ales being produced outside the city, but there’s not nearly enough retail space for those of us looking to purchase more than a pint or two at a restaurant. That’s a compelling reason, I think, to pack the […]

Where Essential Drinks - Beer

standard Where Essential Drinks – Beer

Like their wine-pouring and cocktail-slinging compatriots, Toronto’s brewmasters, restaurateurs, and chefs have built our city into one of Canada’s fastest growing destinations for craft beer. No longer beholden to big-name corporate breweries, imbibers are now spoiled for choice when it comes to artisan suds. But what exactly is craft beer? Must it be brewed on a small scale? Must it be locally produced? Does it demand the use (or absence) of particular ingredients? The answers to these questions are varied, and are best discovered by ordering up a pint or two. This article was published in the 2013-14 edition of […]