September is a crowded month for beer events in Toronto. That’s largely because Toronto Beer Week falls smack in the middle of it. Early next week I will have a preview of the full TBW programme, but today would like to focus on the Premium Beer Experience that kicks off the weeks festivities on September 11.
The Berkeley Church on Queen East is an interesting venue for medium-scale beer festivals. Inside and outside spaces mean that it’s possible to elbow your way onto a crowded dance floor or enjoy a few samples in peace on what usually ends up being a crisp, late-summer evening.
Their website (the marketing-speak runs as thickly as you’d expect from an event with both the words “premium” and “experience” in the name) makes an intriguing claim:
Each brewery has either brewed something totally unique specifically for this event, or they are bringing you a brand new brew that hasn’t hit the shelves yet!
Lofty indeed because several of the breweries on the vendor list our contract breweries or ones that aren’t known for one-offs or new products. But, we’ll see and I should note that I did try both Kensington Brewing’s Tilt and Great Lakes’s Saison Dupump (two excellent releases) for the first time at last year’s Premium Beer Experience.
I also appreciate the sample structure for this event. Tickets go for one dollar and get you a 4-ounce pour, so it’s easy to cover a wide variety.
Lucky for you folks, the event organizers have provided two tickets for me to give away. Its the usual simple and straightforward contest entry process here. The contest will close at 11:55 PM on September 8 and I’ll pick a winner shortly afterwards. The prize is admission for two but with no tasting tickets. You can purchase tickets at this link.
Step 1: subscribe to my brand-new email newsletter – more details about it coming soon, but suffice it to say it will be jam-packed with great content that focuses on craft beer and well-made food.
Step 2: do what the box below tells you to.
Important note: obviously, this is a 19+ event and you must be at least that old to enter this contest.
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