
Gourmet Food and Wine Expo Ticket Giveaway

standard Gourmet Food and Wine Expo Ticket Giveaway

The Gourmet Food and Wine Expo is one of Toronto’s grandest opportunities to sample wine, spirits, and beer from around the world, in one place, all over a four-day weekend. It’s held in a hall big enough that you almost see horizons instead of walls, buried deep below Toronto’s convention center. That matters a bit less because this event is conveniently scheduled for the start of the season when we’d much rather be as far away from the elements as possible. The GFWE, especially on Thursday’s VIP night and weekend evenings, is obviously a hot ticket and undeniably popular with those […]

Book Signing at The Cookery Store

standard Book Signing at The Cookery Store

What: Cooking demonstration of a few of the beer-centric recipes from The Canadian Craft Beer Cookbook. Where: The Cookery Store, 303 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto When: 1 November, 12:30 PM Other Details: Copies of my cookbook will be for sale and I’m more than happy to sign them. Tickets: Free. I’m thankful that several entrepreneurs have stepped in to fill the void that was created when The Cookbook Store closed earlier this year. Most of these new entries tend to lean in the direction of diversification and sell kitchenwares and cooking equipment as well as cookbooks. Happily, as of just over a month ago, […]